Tuesday, January 27, 2009


this is called, "I'm too lazy to upload pictures from my camera so I'm using photobooth."

[excerpt from my other blog]
i told you, from the very start,
"all i've ever wanted was to know you,
to be close to you, inside and out."
though our relationship seemed to teeter on the one i found
less important.
the physical affection was beautiful, but not why i came
not what i stayed for
not why i left.
i love you; not your body, not your curly hair, or your blue eyes,
not your freckles, or the scar on your nose,
not your subtle scent, or your quiet smile,
though all of those are beautiful to me,
that is not why i stayed, thats not what i loved.
i loved your mind, your perseverance, your empathy
and that's what abandoned me,
thats what left me alone.

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