Tuesday, January 27, 2009



[I took this one before, but I didn't edit it till today. sorry my submission is an hour and 38 minutes late]


you tell me you want to see me more often
but I can't bring myself to say, "me too."
it hurts your feelings,
but I can't say I mind.
you put me here,
this was your choice.
you happy now?
because I am done trying for you
and I feel freer than I've ever felt
I'm gunna walk down the street singing,
so I'll keep a deliberate pace
let the damn breeze dry my face


  1. "freeer" doesnt mean better.
    forgiving can be so hard. i know.
    it must be done though.
    thats freedom.

    hope you feel better!

  2. I agree, on all accounts. but theres a lot that needs to be done before that can happen.

    thank you for the kind words.
